GBG’s Video Game OST Showdown

We’ve been trying to think of a fun competition to not only marry our love of games and music, but one that involves all of you with an enticing prize at the end: a new video game.

Participating is easy enough, as all you need to do is pick a video game song that you think will be chosen over every other song entered. Starting today you can submit your entry by commenting on this post, tweeting @garagebandgamer, or posting a song on our Facebook. Each person is allowed to submit one song, which will then have two chances to win, as there will be a community voted competition as well as a staff voted competition. Please make sure to include a link to the song from either YouTube or SoundCloud, as well as your name (or handle) for submission purposes. If there are multiple entries for the same song, the first entrant will get it and we will let you know that another song will need to be chosen. We will update this post with entries at the bottom. Votes will be entered in a similar manner as song submissions, although the social media pages will have actual polls where you can vote. As there are three places to vote, you have the opportunity to vote three times each voting period. We will determine the number of songs eliminated each week based on the number of submitted entries at the end of the two week period. January 15th, 11:59pm PST is the cutoff for song entries, so make sure you have yours in by then!

Understandably, you wouldn’t want there to be many entries in the hopes of boosting your chances of winning, but the more players we get, the more chances there will be to win runner up prizes. Additionally, we’ve been giving away games for follower counts on both Facebook and Twitter, so make sure to follow us for more chances at free stuff! It’s also a great way to not miss out on voting periods, as we’ll be sure to update you on the standings regularly.

So the question is: what’s your song?


Ty Tag: Aquatic Ambiance from Donkey Kong Country

Ben Shoemaker: Magical Sound Shower from OutRun

Chad Johnson (Staff) : Blow Me Away from Halo 2

Skott Tastrophe: Flash Man Stage from Mega Man 2

Nathan Chase: Theme from Deadspace

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